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Pic I took of my favorite Kroger store in Nov 2011 |
I was just picking up mainly the fresh fruits, veggies and regular things we used up this past week.. I had a very nice shopping experience... several of the employees there asked if I was finding everything alright or if they could help me find something when I was looking a bit lost I guess...LOL... it wasn't until I got up to the checkout lines that I had the OMG experience! It was pretty busy in there and all the checkout lanes that had their little lights on were full. So I picked a line and stood there eyeballing all those gossip magazines that they strategically place there for you to gaze at and then decide at the last minute to throw on your the conveyer belt... when I hear "sir she is opening her line back up why dont you step on over..." He then says "oh.. she is in front of me..." he gestures to me and says "miss... please, you were hear first." I first thought to myself "WOW a gentleman"... but I didnt say that. I motioned to him.. oh thats ok and he said no, please you go. Ok... so I said thank you and went over to the next line. So far good huh? I thought GREAT! No one is in this line, I'll fly through here and be home in no time....... WRONG! Doing the little "no one is in front of me in this line dance in my head... I concentrated on putting all my goodies on the belt... hard things, soft things, cold things... (yes... I organize my grocery belt...LOL) After all was on the belt I turned around and there was this lady putting things on the belt in front of me.....
WAIT A MINUTE>>>>> 1. Where did this lady come from and 2. Why was she loading the belt up in front of me?
I look around and start so my investigation.... when I notice 3.... yes, I said 3 FULL grocery carts full of bagged groceries... and this lady is taking things out of them. I thought ok... she went a little over on her budget and needs to remove a few things. Ok.. no prob. She gets some more things out of one of the carts and puts back on the belt as the poor little, very flustered checkout girl was re-ringing up the items and subtracting them from the order. They would ring a few and then check the total... then the lady would dig through the already bagged up groceries and pull out some more things... Clearly she had gone WAY over her budget. By this time the lady was embarrassed and she was looking at the little girl like it was her fault that the groceries cost so much.... finally after it was all said and done the lady finally paid for her now 2 grocery carts of food... and left... yes... 2... there were so many items they un-rung off her order that it was enough to fill a cart completely full!!!! They took more off her order than I had items in my cart! Now... I have went over my budget before, with the price of groceries, probably most people have..... don't you kinda have an idea of what your total is going to be... I mean in the ballpark at least?? Go over by a little bit, a few items.. but to go over by an Entire Cart FULL!!! That is Way off base!
So they lady finally left, and the first thing the very nice little cashier girl says to me is "Thank you so much for being patient." I smiled and told her no problem... then she goes on to say... "this is my first day cashiering and I'm just having a day so far." I again smiled and said " sweetie, you handled that ordeal Fabulously. that lady wasn't mad at you, she was just embarrassed." She smiled back as to say Thank you for being kind.. and then she finished my order.. only messed up a few things but she caught them right away and fixed them... and I went on my way out the store. So that was my Big OMG moment of the day... whoooooosh... It looks like a lot all typed out... but just imagine me telling the story... you know full of facial expressions and my hands going everywhere as I told the story... people tell me if you tied my hands I wouldn't be able to talk at all!! LOL hehe.... hope you enjoyed!!